Secret Hitler
We are:
Pre-WWII German politicians.
Trying to:
Pass laws and elect leaders commensurate with our political aspirations.
Score Board
Family Score:
Kids' Score:
Adults' Score:

Kids Say:
"I love this game. It reminds me a lot of Avalon, but I like the idea of just having two people in power, rather than a whole team. The first couple of games we played were unusual, because the liberal team won really quickly. The third time, it felt like a real competition."
Adults Say:
"The general idea is that fascists are living among liberals, hoping to secretly elect Hitler as their chancellor. This is a social deduction game, full of lies, but mostly the same lie over and over again. The bad guys always say, 'I had to pass a fascist policy because the only policies I had to choose from were fascist policies.' Getting to accuse your friends and family of being Hitler has never been so gleeful. Which feels weird."