We are:
Feuding autocrats
Trying to:
Systematically dismantle all six parts of our enemy’s fortress
Score Board
Family Score:
Kids' Score:
Adults' Score:

Kids Say:
"It’s fun, but I wish the cards were more colorful. I prefer playing with teams rather than every person for themselves. The theme is cool, but you could replace the castles with donkeys and the weapons with spoons and it would still make sense."
"Oversiege has only a little bit of strategy, and as soon you start playing, you master it almost instantly. From that point on, every player has a 50% chance of winning. It feels like the kind of game to take on a car trip, boat trip, train ride, hot air balloon journey, or cross-country ski trip. But unfortunately, it takes up some table space, so maybe only a first class train ride."
Adults Say:
"This game is a good option for families with smaller children. It has no writing, it can be explained in under a minute, and the luck-to-strategy ratio is about 4:1. The losing player gets to draw more cards, which tends to keep things balanced in the later stages of the game."
"Frankly, the two-player version is fairly boring, and that’s the only option when you buy one deck. On an average turn, you have between zero and two low-stakes decisions to make. You can add two more players with every deck you purchase, and the multiplayer version is strategically more compelling. This comes at a price, though. The best multiplayer strategy is for everyone to gang up on one poor sap, and that makes this less kid-friendly. It also suffers from being an elimination game, and if you are eliminated, you’ve got a lot of time to twiddle your thumbs and stew about being the aforementioned poor sap."
"There’s a silver lining, though. Players only use their own cards, which makes Overseige an intriguing Zoom game night option if you can convince another family to buy their own deck."