One Night Ultimate Werewolf
We are:
People who live in a village, some of whom are villagers.
Trying to:
Convince the majority of your companions that you are not mauling people in their sleep.
Score Board
Family Score:
Kids' Score:
Adults' Score:

Kids Say:
"This game is fine. It never really clicked with me, because some of the processes are a little too random. You have to make decisions based on no information, and sometimes you are screwed no matter how good you are at blugging (sic)."
"I like the role-playing, and I like telling people what I think happened overnight (or at least what I want to think happened.)"
Adults Say:
"The perfect bluffing game for new gamers. A complete game lasts about 5 minutes, so it works well for people with short attention spans, and players who just keep their mouths shut still have a chance. Sometimes, the smartest players use their intuition to discover that they’ve been turned into a werewolf and should be murdered. So it goes."
"It’s very easy to cheat, so not a great game for untrustworthy children."